Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Giveaway Rules

Facebook is at it again changing around the rules on how businesses are allowed to run promotions. They are becoming more strict about having giveaways on fanpages so we have found another way! This will begin with our 5,000 fan Giveaway. Don't worry- everything is pretty much the same but.... from now on, we will be putting up preview albums up on our FB page that will show you a photo of available donated prizes with a link to their fanpage. You will be required, ahem, I mean- it is STRONGLY suggested that you are a fan of Rosy Bows and the fanpages of prizes you would like to win and this will be verified. Also, to be eligible you must follow our blog (since the Giveaways will now be hosted on our Blog) and sign the agreement form for the giveaway you are entering. Again, this will be verified. When the giveaway opens we will post a link to our blog that lists the prizes and sponsor links. Two links to forms will be available for you to fill out, 1 for the agreement and the other to enter to win. You can enter for all the prizes using only one form (hooray)! It will list each prize and you type your name in for the ones you want a chance at winning. All of this will be more clear once we get it going. We will announce winners on our blog and in email per usual. Don't worry- everything will be announced on our fanpage as we update our blog, too! Please feel free to email us or leave us a comment if you have questions.

You can look at the new rules here: http://www.facebook.com/promotions_guidelines.php ( I mean, if you really want to)

Rosy Bows Ladies

Psssttt! We are still taking sponsors for our 5,000 fan Giveaway! Let's make this a big one! The party will begin when we hit 4,000 fans (getting close). Read the dets below and fill out the form if you would like to join us! <3
Here is a link in case the form below looks too wacko: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dDBsXzlLMUFOOHR5VkJUNzlkamhwVXc6MQ#gid=0

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